Welcome to The Scent Train, yet another blog about fragrance, perfumery and all things smell-related. A repository for the musings and opinions of Andrew Dell and Peter Sherlock, two scent-obsessed individuals based in London, UK.
No, there's not exactly a dearth of sites, blogs, YouTube channels and fora devoted to the world of fragrance. Basenotes and Fragrantica are amazing resources, packed with invaluable information, reviews and opportunities to interact. Now Smell This provides all the latest news and outstanding reviews. Père de Pierre is wonderfully opinionated, Perfume Posse is endlessly welcoming and chatty and Fragrant Reviews archives a wealth of concise and precise scent evaluations from the writers' Twitter feed. A particular favourite is Katie Puckrick Smells which sees Ms Puckrick's not inconsiderable writing and presenting talents, not to mention her infectious good humour, put to excellent and highly entertaining use. And there are many, many more, all worthy of a fragrance fanatic's time and attention.
So why another one?
Denyse Beaulieu who writes the beautiful, artful, long running blog Grain de Musc has expressed some dismay at the proliferation of fragrance blogs, arguing that an upsurge in separate sites discourages discussion and interaction - a lack of people to comment on existing blogs because they're all busy producing their own. We'd disagree. 'Fumeheads' (as Ms Puckrick calls us) are a sociable bunch, congregating at such events as Sniffapalooza or the wonderful Scratch+Sniff evenings in London, eager to share their opinions and learn from others. The joy of scent is that there's always something new to experience; a new release or a classic, vintage perfume to seek out; another view to consider, another opportunity to flex your olfactory muscles.
In short, we love fragrance so much and take such joy from our sense of smell that we want to add our voices and opinions to the throng. The world of fragrance is as rich and exciting as it's huge and seemingly inexhaustible. That's what we love about it.
Peter Sherlock
From a long and successful career in the beauty and fragrance retail industry, Peter is now the resident scent expert on a number of shopping TV channels. In fact, he probably sells more fragrance than anybody else in the UK – possibly the world.
Andrew Dell
Andrew Dell
Marketer for some of the world’s largest media brands and sometime writer, Andrew has been fascinated by fragrance from an early age. His friends are currently threatening an intervention to prevent his collection expanding any further.